Foods to boost your immune system
Everyone has built in defenses against disease, but it never really seems to be enough come flu season. Time and again we find ourselves in the cold remedies aisle, debating the health benefits between ten different immune boosters while simultaneously trying not to drop the twelve pack of tissues and the jumbo bottle of Nyquil.
But it turns out, immune boosters don’t necessarily do much. The makers of Airborne were part of a fraudulent advertising lawsuit that they settled for $23.3 million, and Dannon was forced to pay out $45 million in damages after they too were slapped with a fraudulent advertising suit for their Activia yogurt. They both boasted increased immunity.
Luckily it doesn’t have to be like that. There are a whole host of ways beyond snake oil to boost your immune system. Starting with food.
1. Garlic
2. Almonds
3. Green Tea
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